About this catalog

The project has been launched in 2020 by Millenium State in order to build the largest coins catalog. After 2 years, we have finally reached a milestone with publishing the gold part. We reference all gold coins from all regions, all eras, all years and all varieties.

If you have a acknowledge or you have an unlisted coin, we would be very happy to add it to our catalog and share it to our coins lovers. (Collectors, Dealers, Auctionneers, Museums).

We are actively looking for collectors, experts, to keep continue matching images for:

  • Platinum/Palladium part
  • Silver part
  • Medals part
  • Based metals part

We don't ask you to make it all. The task is gigantic, we could match images for centuries. If everyone contributes at its own level, with your time, with your passion, with your knowledge, we would finally create together the greatest state for future milleniums.